The Garloch Family LineThe First Generation: The Family of John GarlochOur line of the Garlocks (spelled Garlough, Garloch, and later Garlock) has been in the United States for over 200 years. We know John GARLOCH, probably born in Germany, came to Washington County, Maryland before 1790 because his name shows up on that year's census. His family, along with his son, John GARLOUGH, appears on the 1800 U. S. Census in Linton Hundreds in the westernmost part of Washington County, Maryland. For more about the life of early settlers see Chapter VIII, History of the Upper Ohio Valley. John Garloch's four children were John Garlough, also probably born in Germany; Christopher; Elizabeth; Jacob (married to Christina, called "Teany"). John Garloch died in Washington County, Maryland in 1804. The Administration papers from his will are on record there. His son, Christian is named Administrator of the will and his wife is referred to only as "Widow Garloch." Jacob and Teany both died in 1860 in Belmont County, Ohio. |
The Second Generation: The Family of John Garlough and MargarettJohn Garlough was married to Margarett [sic], who was also probably born in Germany. She and John were likely also married there. In 1797 two Land Patents were issued to John Garlough in Washington County, Maryland. John died in 1838 in Richland Township, Belmont County, Ohio. His will was probated in Belmont County, Ohio in 1839: ...In the name of God Amen. I John Garlough of Belmont State of Ohio being weak of body but of sound and disposing mind do make this my last will and testament do [sic] follows first I desire that my body be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named, and that my funeral expenses once all my just debts be fully paid out of my personal Estate not otherwise disposed of. Secondly I give unto my beloved wife Margarett one third of my plantation that I now live on during natural life which shall include the dwelling house, the Black mare saddle and bridle, one cow her choice of my stock of cattle, one goose feather bed, bedstead and bed clothes such as she may choose to furnish her bed with, one cubboard, half a dozen plates, half a dozen knives and forks, one tea kittle half a dozen tea cups and saucers, one tea pot, one cream cup, one salt sellar, one six gallon kittle, one small pot, one skillit, one weaving loom and to [sic] skein belonging thereto, two sheep, one water bucket, one ten gallon copper kittle, one Trunk, one clock reel and woolen wheel in sted or place of dower and at her decease that all the above mentioned articles that is not worn out, dead lost or destroyed shall be my son John's [Spelling sic] (Scan of will of John Garlough) John and Margarett's six children were: Mary b1795, married John O'Riley; David b1799, married Sarah Ault; Margaret; Elizabeth; John b1807; and Christianna. The Question of Arrival in AmericaThere is some discrepancy about whether John Garlough's son, David, was born in Germany or America. Our branch of the family records say that David Garloch, was born August 4, 1799, in Germany, and came to Maryland where his parents, (John Garlough and his wife Margarett [sic]), settled when he was four years old. However, the census records show John Garloch was in Maryland in 1790 and David's father, John Garlough, was there in 1797, so David couldn't very well have been born in Germany in 1799. Perhaps we will locate a relative who has been handed down more information or find some other records to help clear this up. |
Garlock Donley
700 Tenth Street Oakmont, PA 15139 USA
©1999-2003, Janice G. Donley | Design: Susan K. Donley | Programming: H. Edward Donley