The Garlock-Elliot Family

Photo Search

Use this form to search the image archive. You may either search for a word or phrase in the images' descriptions, search for images of a particular person, search for images from a particular location, or search for images from a specified range of years. Click on one of the circular radio buttons to select the type of search that you wish to perform.

Enter the word or phrase that you wish to search for in the images' descriptions:

or select the name that you wish to search for:

or select the location that you wish to search for:

Display all images whose locations match this location's .

or enter the range of years that you wish to search for:
From to

or select the range of photo contribution dates that you wish to search for:





Janice Garlock Donley
700 Tenth Street
Oakmont, PA 15139 USA

412-828-6557• 412-828-8670 (fax) •

©1999, Janice G. Donley | Design: Susan K. Donley | Programming: H. Edward Donley