The following information (See 1850 Mortality Schedule Datafile) has been transcribed from the original mortality schedules housed in the Archives-Manuscript Division of The Ohio Historical Society [Microfilm Roll #GR721]. |
Brush Creek Twp.In the above Township the land is hilly and broken. The soil is thin, adapted principally for raising wheat, rye, and buckwheat. The timber is of poor quality principally scrub oak and Chestnut. The township is deversified by numerous creeks and small streams of water, generally very healthy. The mineral productions are principally stone coal and sandstone in abundance. Cross Creek Twp.Health generally good, the Flux prevailed as an epidemic during August & September 1849; Water Lime Stone generally; Rocks, lime & freestone rocks; Timber generally white red & blackoaks, with some sugar, black walnut beach, locust & cherry interspersed. Island Creek Twp.The above Township is well adapted to raising wheat corn oats and indeed almost every kind of product common to this country. The land is roling but little broken rich and fertile soil most limestone wheat & apple crop failed in 1849 of the former there there was about one third crop and latter almost entire. The Cholera carried off many of the citizens in 1849. Knox Twp.Knox Township thickly populated. Land well adapted to agricultural pursuits. Land is roling Timber generally white oak black oak & red oak. Walnut and sugar tree. Mineral productions are stone coal limestone and sand stone. The wheat crop in this township in 1849 was about one third of an average crop, apple crop an almost entire failure. Mount Pleasant Twp.The above Township is rich and fertile in soil well adapted to raising wheat corn and outs and almost all of the products common to this section of country; the land is some what rolling, generally settled by Quakers and consequently, there are a very large number of black mulatto persons. Ross Twp.In the above Township the Cholera prevailed to a considerable extent, during the year 1849. This Township is well adapted for raising wheat. The soil is principally limestone. The crops in this as in all the other Townships of Jefferson County, were light last year. In Ross Township the wheat crop in 1849 was not more than one third of an average crop. There were but few orchard which bore apples in 1849, owing to frost or frosty winds in May. Salem Twp.Health good; Water limestone; Rocks, lime & freestone; Natural fertilizer lime; Country rolling & some steep hills, abounding in coal, Lime & Freestone; Timber generally white, red & black oaks, sugar, walnut, beach, cherry, etc. Soil in most parts very rich & productive. Saline Twp.Saline Township is the most broken with hills, Creeks and small streams of any other township in the country. Soil principally limestone on the hills, very stoney, mostly a thin soil. Very much cut up by chreeks and small rivulets. The mouth of Yellow Creek so called emtys into the Ohio in this Township. but little sickness for the last 6 years of a malignant character. What & apple crops about 1/3 average crop. Smithfield Twp.Health of the Township during the year was good. Typhoid fever prevailed to some extent; Water--Limestone generally; Rock--limestone & freestone, Natural fertilizer lime; Country very broken & rolling with steep hills abounding in Coal, lime & freestone, Timber generally white, black & red oak, Soil good & productive. Springfield Twp.In the months of August and September 1849, the Cholera carried off many of the citizens of this & the adjoining townships, and in the spring of 1850, the small pox appeared in the western part of this township and the adjoining County of Harrison, carrying off many of the citizens of both places. The land is generally hilly with very deep ravines, most generally the soil is thin, on the higher it is well adapted for wheat or fall crops. Steubenville Twp.No epidemic has prevailed in the City & Township during the year ending 1st June 1850. The water is freestone; Rocks, lime & freestone; Soil very rich and productive; Natural fertilizer lime; Country rolling & hilly, abounding in Coal, lime & freestone rock; Timber, Sugar, black walnut, chesnut, white, red & black oaks, locust while cherry & Buckeye. Warren Twp.Health of this Township exceeds any other; Water--lime & freestone; Rock--lime & freestone; Natural fertilizer lime; Country very broken with steep hills abounding in Coal & lime & freestone; Soil first-rate, very rich & productive, the bottom lands especially, being the most productive for Corn Crops in the District. Timber, white, red & black oak, Sugar. walnut. beach. cherry. Elm, pawpaw, gum & Buckeye. Wayne Twp.Scarlet fever prevailed as an epidemic in a most malignant character; Water limestone; Rock lime & freestone; Natural fertilizer lime; Country very rolling with hills abounding in Coal, Freestone & Lime; Timber generally white, red & black oak interspersed with some beach, walnut, sugar, cherry, etc. Wells Twp.The above Township is very much broken and divided by deep runs. The soil however is very fertile on the hills and in the valleys. The wheat crop was almost an entire failure last year. Many large farmers who usually raised from 600 to 1000 bushels had scarcely their seed & sufficient to bread their families and that of poor quality. Scarlet Fever prevailed in 1849 considerably among children. |
Originally transcribed
by James L. Murphy (date unknown).
Garlock Donley
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