The Garlock-Elliot Family

Recipe Search Results

There are 3 recipes mentioning Anita Alice GARLOCK IRWIN.

Recipe name
Others mentioned
Aunt Billšs Brown Candy Snack Anita Alice GARLOCK IRWIN Anita Alice GARLOCK IRWIN Herbert Grant IRWIN, Jr.
Janešs Never-Fail Cupcakes Dessert Janice Yvonne GARLOCK LAVALLE DONLEY Anita Alice GARLOCK IRWIN Doris Irene ELLIOTT GARLOCK, Marilyn Cheryl GARLOCK ANGWIN
Vermicilli Salad Salad Tamara Kay IRWIN CAIN Anita Alice GARLOCK IRWIN Melinda Jane IRWIN FREY

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Janice Garlock Donley
700 Tenth Street
Oakmont, PA 15139 USA

412-828-6557• 412-828-8670 (fax) •

©1999, Janice G. Donley | Design: Susan K. Donley | Programming: H. Edward Donley